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Chinese translation for "falls church, virginia"


Related Translations:
the tailor of panama:  惊爆危机
west virginia mountain momma:  西弗吉尼亚
moravian church:  摩拉维亚弟兄会
pentecostal churches:  五旬节派教会
ura church:  大浦天主堂
church square:  教堂广场
unfinished church:  未完工的教堂
catholic church:  天主教派天主教堂。
lutheran church:  路德教派信义会堂
rosary church:  九龙玫瑰堂玫瑰堂
Example Sentences:
1.Cho seung - hui is seen isolated in the 2002 westfield high school yearbook at the school ' s administration building in falls church , virginia
2.Two weeks earlier , a 58 - year - old woman in nearby falls church , virginia , had her home condemned after neighbors complained of an overpowering stench coming from the property
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